Block Height: | 883,533 |
Block Time (Best Block): | Thu, 13 Feb 2025 07:00:26 +0100(2 minutes and 54 seconds ago) |
Average Block Time (Prior Year): | 9 minutes and 53 seconds |
Average Block Time (since Genesis): | 9 minutes and 35 seconds |
Total Transactions (All Time): | 1,154,458,704 |
Transactions (24hrs): | 431,242 |
Tx Rate (24hrs): | 4.71 / sec |
Chain Size: | 725.34 GB |
Age (since Genesis): | 16 Years, 1 months, 9 days, 11 hours, 48 minutes and 15 seconds |
Block Height: | 883,533 |
Block Time: | Thu, 13 Feb 2025 07:00:26 +0100(2 minutes and 54 seconds ago) |
# of Transactions: | 437 |
# of Inputs: | 14,108 |
# of Outputs: | 615 |
Size: | 2.15 MB |
Full: | 99.8%
Fee span | 1 - 60 ṩ / vB |
Average Fee: | 1 ṩ / vB |
% of SegWit Txs: | 96.6%
Total Transferred: | 1,264 ₿ |
Total Fees: | 0.01197762 ₿ |
Block Subsidy: | 3.125 ₿ |
Block Reward: | 3.13697762 ₿ |
Fees % of Block Reward: | 0.38% |
Network Hashrate: | 827.82 EH / sec |
Previous Difficulty: | 108.11 T |
Current Difficulty: | 114.17 T |
Next Estimated Difficulty: | 107.64 T |
Difficulty Epoch: | 439 |
# of Blocks in Current Difficulty Epoch: | 525 |
Blocks To Retarget: | 1,491 |
Current Difficulty Epoch Progress: | 26%
Average Block Time (Last 2016 Blocks): | 9 minutes and 40 seconds |
Average Block Time (Current Diff. Epoch): | 10 minutes and 34 seconds |
Estimated Adjustment Date: | Sun, 23 Feb 2025(in approx. 10 days) |
Estimated Difficulty Change: | -5.72 % |
Smart Fee Estimate (next block): | 2 ṩ / vB |
Smart Fee Estimate (1 hour) | 1 ṩ / vB |
Smart Fee Estimate (1 day): | 1 ṩ / vB |
Last Block Minimum Fee: | 1 ṩ / vB |
Last Block Average Fee: | 1 ṩ / vB |
Last Block Maximum Fee: | 60 ṩ / vB |
Minimum Fee Rate: | 1 ṩ / vB |
Minimum Relay Fee: | 1 ṩ / vB |
Pending Transactions: | 5,011 |
Memory Usage: | 78.5 MB | 26%
Virtual Size: | 13.6 MB |
Pending Fees: | 0.14 ₿ |
Blocks To Clear: | 14 |
User Agent: | /Satoshi:25.1.0/ |
Protocol Version: | 70016 |
Uptime: | 71 days and 23 hours |
Services: |
Active Soft Forks: |
Connections: | 33 (inbound: 23 | outbound: 10) |
Total Traffic: | 1.76 TB (↑ 1.73 TB | ↓ 31.67 GB) |
I am Bitcoin Node with an unmetered broadband Internet connection, located in Sankt Leon-Rot in Germany, strengthening the Bitcoin network by keeping my Bitcoin Core software running with port 8333 open.
I am operating as a full node, also known as a “thick” or “full chain” client. This security model assures the validity of the blockchain by downloading and validating blocks from the genesis block, mined by Satoshi Nakamoto on Sat, 03 Jan 2009 19:15:05 +0100 (16 Years, 1 months, 9 days, 11 hours, 48 minutes and 15 seconds ago), all the way to the most recently discovered block #883,533, mined on Thu, 13 Feb 2025 07:00:26 +0100 (2 minutes and 54 seconds ago).
I help the network by accepting transactions and blocks from other full nodes, validating those transactions and blocks, and then relaying them to further full nodes. Together with other honest nodes I am securing the Bitcoin network and helping it to stay decentralized.
Since my last reboot, 71 days and 23 hours ago, I have exchanged 1.8 TB of data with my peers. At the moment, I am connected to 33 peer nodes.
Feel free to look around. My owner @deyw set up this website to monitor my status and provide various ₿ network statistics.
If you have any questions, comments, or feedback please reach out to @deyw via Twitter.
Nostr Public Key: @1yfvs9f4:3qttklrg